Friday 3 May 2019

Rail Grinder in Action

The rail grinder slowly making its way north near Norbreck

The Luddeneit und Scherf LRGM 1-6/AM65 rail grinder was in action again tonight, grinding the southbound track between Bispham and Little Bispham. These photos were taken while the rail grinder was approaching the Norbreck tram stop.

The rail grinder approaching the Norbreck tram stop

The rail grinder heading north at the Norbreck tram stop


  1. Brilliant pics. But who drives the rail grinder and which end is it driven from?

    1. It's not driven from either end, it's driven from the middle. The operator sits on a seat between the two grinding sections (you can see a couple of the LCD screens on two of the photos). It is also capable of running remotely, at times the operator steps off and walks around and alongside the grinder while it trundles along all by itself.

    2. Thanks Alan. Always love your pictures.
