Friday 31 August 2018

Numberless no more

Flexity 003 at Cocker Square with its newly applied fleet numbers

Flexities 003 and 016, which have recently received pink vinyl wrap overall adverts for, have been running around this week without any fleet numbers. Both trams have now received fleet numbering, and were noted in passenger service today with their newly applied numbers.

Flexity 016 northbound at the Tower with its new fleet numbers

Thursday 30 August 2018

Pretty Little Flexity 003

Flexity 003 turning short at the Cabin on a truncated tram service

After the emergence of Flexity 016 with its new overall advert for fashion retailer PrettyLittleThing on Saturday, Flexity 003 entered service in an identical advert this week. The fact that neither tram is carrying external fleet numbers makes cursory identification rather difficult, only on closer inspection are there very subtle differences between the two trams. Flexity 003 is seen at the Cabin operating on the southern portion of the split tram service on 29th August, due to a traffic accident at Cavendish Road which blocked the tramway for several hours.

Various shades of purple and pink on 003 and 009 at the Cabin

Flexity 003 terminating at the Cabin on Wednesday 29th August

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Car accident at Cavendish Road causes major disruption.

The BMW car blocking the tram line at Cavendish Road

There was major disruption to the Flexity tram service in Blackpool this afternoon. A BMW saloon car swerved off the Promenade at the Cavendish Road tram stop, demolished a length of the concrete fencing, scattering broken concrete across both tracks, and came to rest on the southbound line. According to eye witness accounts, the BMW had been seen speeding and overtaking other traffic prior to the incident, near Cavendish Road it had to make a sudden swerve to the left to avoid another car. Due to the car and debris being spread across both tram tracks, the Flexity service had to be split into two halves, with trams to the north of the accident turning at Bispham and cars to the south reversing at Cabin. After a while it was decided to link the two halves of the tram service with replacement buses. The disruption to the tram service lasted for several hours, until the debris and damaged car were removed from the tracks.

Flexity 009 held up at Cavendish Rd due to the debris strewn across the tram tracks

Look both ways before crossing the tramway!

A close up of the damaged BMW at Cavendish Road

Saturday 25 August 2018

Flexity 016 in the Pink

Flexity 016 approaching the centre of Cleveleys

Flexity 016 has lost its longstanding attactive seagull advert for Freeport Fleetwood, this being replaced with a rather uninspiring overall advert for the fashion retailer PrettyLittleThing, which is basically just a plain pink background adorned with unicorns.

Flexity 016 on Pharos Street in Fleetwood

Flexity 016 on North Albert Street in Fleetwood

Flexity 016 in April 2015 wearing its then recently applied Freeport seagull advert

Friday 24 August 2018

Centenary 642 Launch Tour

Centenary 642 exiting Pharos Street in Fleetwood as it heads south towards Starr Gate

Centenary 642 took part in a launch tour on the evening of Friday 24th August. 642 had already been used in passenger service earlier on in the week, when it operated on Heritage Tours on Sunday 19th August. The Friday evening tour saw rather brighter weather conditions, with the sun even putting in an appearance during much of the tour.

Centenary 642 at Fleetwood Ferry heading south for Starr Gate

642 rounding the curve between Lord Street and North Albert Street in Fleetwood

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Coronation 663 departs for restoration work

Coronation 663 heading along Lytham Road on its way to Riley & Son at Heywood 

Coronation 663 left Rigby Road depot today for further restoration work to take place on the tram. 663 was formerly part of the Lancastrian Transport Trust collection but subsequently passed into private ownership. The tram is being moved to Riley & Son's premises at Heywood near Bury, Riley's are perhaps better known for their recent major overhaul of the Flying Scotsman steam locomotive. The initial plan is for renovation work to be undertaken on the bogies and wiring of the Coronation, with the long term aim of returning the tram to service as part of the Heritage Tram Tour fleet.

663 being propelled from Hopton Road into Blundell Street by the depot fork lift truck

663 being winched onto the low loader trailer in Blundell Street

663 halfway up the rail ramp of Reid's low loader

663 alongside the fitting shop, chained down and ready to leave

663 loaded up and ready for departure in Blundell Street

Reid's low loader crossing the loading bay of Home Bargains on Hopton Road

663 on Hopton Road on its way for restoration work at Heywood

663 on the back of Reid's low loader departing Blackpool for further restoration work

Sunday 19 August 2018

Repainted 642 back in Heritage Tour service

Centenary 642 on its first round trip in Heritage Tour service since being repainted

Revamped Centenary Car 642 made its debut back in Heritage Tram Tour service on a cold, wet and windy Sunday 19th August. The tram has had the cab ends remodelled and has been repainted into a Travel Card style advert livery, advertising the various fare options available on the heritage trams.

Repainted 642 on its debut Heritage Tour run, on the 0950 Tower to Cabin service

Centenary 642 in more favourable weather at Manchester Square in September 2015

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Railcoach 279 leaves Rigby Road

Railcoach 279 on the low loader of Reid Freight Services in Blundell Street

Railcoach 279 left Rigby Road tram depot on Wednesday 15th August so that work could resume off-site on the tram, recreating the original English Electric streamlined configuration. 279 was transported the relatively short distance from the depot to the Fylde Transport Trust garage at Brinwell Road in Marton, on the back of a low loader from Reid Freight Services of Stoke-on-Trent.

279 being pulled out of Rigby Road tram depot by the electric fork lift truck

279 being pulled onto the trailer with a chain by the Mercedes tractor unit

279 chained down and ready for departure in Blundell Street

Reid's low loader making the turn from Hopton Road into Lytham Road

Reid's low loader turning from Clifton Road into Brinwell Road in Marton

279 entering the Fylde Transport Trust garage on Brinwell Road

Railcoach 279 inside the Fylde Transport Trust garage at Marton