Monday, 28 April 2014

Pantograph 167 arrives in Blackpool

Scotts Heavy Haulage and Pantograph 167 reversing from Lytham Rd into Hopton Rd just after 9pm on 28th April
Pantograph 167 arrived in Blackpool this evening courtesy of Scotts Heavy Haulage. There had been a delay in loading 167 earlier in the day due to a problem with Scotts low loader, the departure from Beamish eventually being at 5pm. Scotts finally arrived at Rigby Road depot in Blackpool just after 9pm, being met by an intrepid band of enthusiasts, some of whom had been waiting many hours for the delayed arrival. After Scotts positioned the low loader in Blundell Street, the unloading process went very smoothly, with 167 being pushed into the depot by Unimog 939 at 10pm.

Scotts low loader with Pantograph Car 167 onboard reversing along Hopton Road towards the depot
Scotts Heavy Haulage low loader parked up in the unloading position in Blundell Street
Pantograph 167 hooked up to the hydraulic arm of Scotts tractor unit with a webbing strop ready to be lowered
167 being lowered down the ramp of Scotts low loader with the depot fork lift truck pulling at the opposite end
Unimog 939 and Pantograph Car 167 traversing the curve from Blundell Street into Hopton Road
Pantograph Car 167 being pulled from Blundell Street into Hopton Road by Unimog 939
Unimog 939 pushing Pantograph Car 167 into Rigby Road depot at 10pm on 28th April


  1. Brilliant updates as usual, wondeful night shots, and its good to see 167 back at home in Blackpool :)

  2. Thanks, let's hope it doesn't break down this time!
