Friday 27 April 2018

Marton route tram tracks revealed in Talbot Square

Track from the former Marton tram route leading off towards Clifton Street

The current road remodelling work at Talbot Square in Blackpool has recently revealed some old tram track. A set of points and short stretch of track from the former Marton tram route has been dug up in front of the Town Hall. The old track is due to be cut up and disposed of before the road is resurfaced.

Track from the former Marton tram route in front of the Town Hall

The recently revealed tram track at Talbot Square


  1. Hopefully some of this can be saved.

    1. It would be nice if it could but I think it's just destined to be cut up for scrap.

  2. Even if just a little bit got stored, I'd volunteer to collect it.
