Wednesday 3 July 2013

More Trams to the Fish Docks

Balloon 710 being hauled with chains by Scotts MAN tractor unit, to move it within range of the winch on the trailer

The second day of the Fleetwood tram moves saw Twin Set trailer 683 make the short journey to the Associated British Ports fish dock in the morning. Balloon 710 became reunited with sister car 726 at Fleetwood docks in the afternoon, but not without putting up a struggle first. 710 had been parked on tarmac, and the wheels had sunk in during its two year stay in the hauliers yard. After releasing the sunken wheels, the bogies then needed to be lined up with the rail ramp, this whole process took a lot longer than had been anticipated, and it was late afternoon before 710 finally joined the other trams in the dock complex. As time had now run out due to the difficult extraction of 710, Jubilee car 761 could not be moved on the day, and would have to be left for a future occasion to make the trip to the docks.

Twin Set trailer 683 (still sheeted over) is winched on board the low loader trailer of Scotts Heavy Haulage

Trailer 683 heads up Denham Way towards the docks, with the Lindel Road tram stop in the background

Trailer 683 heads towards the docks, complete with the Western Train's old funnel on the back of the low loader!

With 710 safely loaded on board Scotts trailer, the process of dismantling the rail ramp begins

Balloon 710 leaving the hauliers yard after the very long winded process of getting it loaded onto the trailer

Balloon 710 making the right turn from Copse Road into Denham Way on its way towards the docks

Balloon 710 approaching its new temporary home, with the preserved Fleetwood trawler "Jacinta" in the background 

Scotts low loader with 710 on board entering the new outdoor storage compound adjacent to Fleetwood fish dock

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