Saturday 19 February 2022

Cleveleys Winter Wonderland

Balloon 715 at Cleveleys, heading back to Blackpool from Thornton Gate
The Fylde Coast was hit by snow on Saturday 19th February, even more unusually the snow actually stuck for a while. Here are a few shots of trams passing through Cleveleys on Saturday morning before the snow thawed.

Flexity 017 southbound in Cleveleys
Centenary 648 on a Heritage Tour to Fisherman's Walk in Fleetwood

Flexity 005 heading north at West Drive in Cleveleys


  1. Great photographs Alan, thank you for braving the elements to take them. I particularly like the "Balloon in a Blizzard"! Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks, Cleveleys was as far as I dared to venture in the car, plus it was treacherous underfoot walking. I also had rather inappropriate footwear as I went out in a hurry before the snow thawed to try and get some shots.
