Thursday 21 August 2014

Coronation 304 on Driver Training

Coronation 304 heading north from Bispham on training, with the trolley wheel arcing brightly against the heavy sky

After Coronation 304's successful test outing on 20th August, the following day the tram was due be used in familiarising a group of drivers with the intricacies of operating a Vambac controlled tram. During the training run the tram made the journey all the way to Fleetwood Ferry and back. Problems arose at Fleetwood when 304 tried to exit Bold Street, it became apparent that the overhead at this point was too high for the trolley pole which became dewired. The tram was manoeuvred round to the Ferry loop with the trolley leading so that it could reach the overhead. Further problems were encountered with the overhead being too high until 304 reached North Albert Street, where it was then able to continue its journey back south without further incident.

Vambac Coronation 304 on Copse Road in Fleetwood as it approaches the Fisherman's Walk tram stop

Coronation 304 taking a short break at the Fleetwood Ferry tram stop in Bold Street

The trolley pole on 304 dewires as the tram exits Bold Street due to the overhead being too high at this point

304 being trolleyed round onto the Ferry loop with the trolley pole leading so that it could reach the overhead wire

Coronation 304 sitting on the inner loop track at Fleetwood Ferry

Southbound Flexity 014 passing Coronation 304 as it sits on the inner loop at Fleetwood Ferry

Coronation 304 passing the clock tower as it rounds the curve from North Albert Street into Lord Street

Coronation 304 passing St Peter's Church on Lord Street in Fleetwood as it makes its way back to Rigby Road depot

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