Sunday 16 June 2024

First Service Tram to North Station

Flexity 015 stopping to pick up passengers at Talbot Square for the very first time at 07:14
Sunday 16th June saw the first day of passenger service on the Talbot Road tramway extension to North Station. Flexity 015 had the honour of being the first tram to North Station. 015 was due to leave Starr Gate at 06:55 on route "T2 North Station", stopping at Talbot Square at 07:14 before making a timetabled arrival at North Station at 07:19. Flexity 015 departed from North Station a few minutes later at 07:30 on route "T3 Fleetwood Ferry".

Flexity 015 turning into Talbot Square to become the first service tram to use the new tramway extension

Riding onboard Flexity 015 between Talbot Square and North Station on the debut run
Flexity 015 departed from North Station on service "T3 Fleetwood Ferry" at 07:30
A public information sign at North Pier advertising the new tram service

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